Natural Fat loss Supplements: Supplementing Without Using Stimulants! ~ Health


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Natural Fat loss Supplements: Supplementing Without Using Stimulants!

Photo credit: veo_ / / CC BY-NC-SA

There is something like 108 MILLION Americans currently who sadly are either slightly overweight, or struggling with obesity. That's 61% of adults! Sadly, around 95% of those who can reduce weight will gain it back within a couple of years. The thought of that really frustrates me to a point that I'd rather not discus. A great element in that reason is eating unhealthy is thrown in our faces every three minutes on Tv also in allot of the printed ads. In addition in today's economy it is inexpensive. One more reason why people fail to maintain the weight they have quite literally worked their butts off to lose, could be the a shortage of education and guidance. Be it the possible lack of furthering their knowledge in nutrition, or even lack of edcuation in supplements that support fat burning and maintenance.

Currently, $30 Billion per year will be spent yearly in the weight-loss industry! Allot of that money is wasted searching for the appropriate supplements, the best mixture of supplements, or just wasted on supplements that honestly just don't do anything whatsoever! I figured I would help you save some of that money that you'd have spent attempting to find that "Magic Diet Pill" and just provide you with three fantastic All-natural Supplements that do a fantastic job in aiding in fat loss and maintenance.

The first supplement is 7-Keto (7-ketohydroepiandrosterone). 

7-keto can be described as safe DHEA metabolite and it has been the topic of many research and scientific studies. 7-keto, like DHEA, plays a role in an array of the bodies functions, for example immune response, memory, skin integrity, and most importantly for the topic of this article, weight loss! 7-keto is shown to improve the activity of enzymes linked to metabolism, and has also been proven to help rest your set-point, that is certainly HUGE

Basically, the set point theory states that individual's metabolism will accommodate conserve a weight where it's comfortable. When you restrict our calories so as to shed unwanted weight, our metabolism falls in an attempt to preserve our fat stores. This is just the bodies/nature's way of preventing starvation, which will never change. After we have lost your weight and we are no longer cutting our calories, the rate of metabolism will rise returning to a higher rate of function. The body contains a genetically determined set-point weight that's controlled by metabolic hormones and fat cell enzymes. 7-keto has been shown to increase the activity of those enzymes associated with the metabolism.

It's also been shown that DHEA and its derivatives (7-keto) aid in body weight regulation. In some studies of DHEA, it's caused laboratory animals to eat more, yet suppressed their weight gain. In one study without DHEA, a 50% decrease in the amount of food which had been took in within a 24 hour period to achieve the same degree of bodyweight changes seen when taking DHEA. But, individuals taking DHEA didn't change their food intake to get to the required weight-loss effects.
7-keto has been proven to assist in the activity within the T-3 thyroid hormone. 7-keto offers many of DHEA's benefits without converting to the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, which means that it's safe for both males and females! There have been no extended side effects shown as a result in taking 7-Keto. In everything I have read, and people which i have spoke with, both men and women, the suggested daily dosage is 1,000mg 2x daily.

The next supplement is CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid).

 CLA is a naturally sourced found in animal and dairy fats such as beef, dairy food, poultry, eggs and corn oil. Our intestine produces CLA naturally from linoleic acid. It does not make a big fat cell little, what it does is prevent a little fat cell from getting big. There have been studies which have shown that to truly obtain the desired effect of CLA on your body fat you should take around 4,000mg, or 4g of CLA daily. Since CLA is a fatty acid, you'll want to take it regularly for around 2-3 weeks and let for it to accumulate in the body before you start to see results. It's been suggested to have some sort of fiber supplement or increase the level of fiber in your diet to help assisted in the "Extraction" of the metabolized fat through your body. Honestly though, that's something that should be done whatever the form of weight loss supplement. It truly plays a key role in the losing excess weight.
CLA has also been shown to increase metabolism, decrease abdominal fat, enhance muscle growth, reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, lowers insulin resistance, helps reduce food-induced allergic attacks, and improves the immune system as well. If you are interested in taking CLA to assist with weightloss, take into account that it isn't a magic pill, and you will need to begin a program of diet and exercise in order to successfully drop some weight and keep it off.

The third and final supplement that I'm going to mention in this article is L-Carnitine.

 The primary and most important role Carnitine plays in the body is the oxidation, or also known as Burning, Melting off, or even in a few circle Dissolving of fat Naturally! As soon as the fat is oxidized it is used like a natural source of energy. I'm a big fan of L-Carnitine, I've been taking it regularly for several years.

Basically what L-Carnitine does is it takes unwanted fat in our bodies to the "Fat Furnace" (mitochondria) in our cells. Once the fat is thrown into the "furnace" it is burned and turned into a natural supply of "coal" or energy, in turn also giving us more energy during workouts and many other aspects in daily living. No matter the amount exercising or how "on-point" you have your daily diet, should the fat doesn't arrive at the mitochondria it can't be oxidized (Burned)!
Supplementing your diet with L-Carnitine can release the stored energy the body needs to build new muscular tissue, enhance your energy levels and accelerate natural weight loss. There's no unintended side effects of prolonged supplementation of L-Carnitine because it's natural and readily found in your body. Starting off with at the very least 1,500mg of L-Carnitine daily is an excellent starting point. If you have metabolic resistance about 3,000-7,000mg daily is necessary. Personally, i prefer to take 2,000-3,500mg daily, I've got fantastic results doing so.

These three All Natural Weightloss pills are great by themselves or taken with other products. I chose to write about these three today because I'm currently taking them. I have stacked them together in the past and love the final results which i 've got from doing so. What I personally do is take 4g of AST CLA daily, breaking that up into two doses, one with breakfast and the other with my afternoon meal. For the L-Carnitine, I use Dymatize Nutrition's Acetyl L-Carnitine. I take three caps (1,500mg) with breakfast and another 3 caps with lunch. For the 7-Keto (DHEA) I use Twinlab's 7-Keto. I take that one cap with breakfast, so six pills with breakfast in total, and another around an hour before I go to bed. I take one before I go to bed because I've discovered that I sleep better. I'm unsure if there are studies to show that it aids in proper R.E.M. sleep, but I definitely sleep good doing it that way.

Like I've said several times throughout this article, if you're considering taking some of these supplements to help you with weight reducing, take into account that it certainly is not a magic pill, and you should really need to take up a program of diet and exercise so as to successfully shed pounds and keep it off. With that being said, Don't hesitate to comment or ask any queries you could have regarding anything that was stated in this content. Thanks for taking time to read this and I hope it helps you make an informed decision what is the best approach to take as far as supplementing for losing weight.


About the Author

My name is Matt Mindrup, I have been in the Nutrition and Fitness supplement industry for going on 7 years now. In that time I have gained a wide-range of knowledge on health, fitness and supplementation, as well as a passion for educating his clients on healthy living and supplementation.
While being involved in the industry, I founded a nutrition and supplement business to help customers reach their fitness goals. I founded Advanced Nutritional Supplements (ANS) in 2010, a Supplement Wholesale website,, where I offer brand name discount nutritional supplements, sports supplements, discount bodybuilding supplements, weight loss supplements, as well as vitamins and minerals at or below wholesale cost. has over 4,000+ discount bodybuilding supplements from all of the brand name Sports Nutrition and Body Building supplement manufacturers!
I also serve as a mentor and health coach for clients who need education and guidance on proper health habits and nutrition. Ranging anywhere from training clients one-on-one to helping put together meal and supplement plans, Matt can help design the right program to help clients reach their ultimate fitness goals.
Please visit us at


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