Should You Do Cardio Before Weights Or After? ~ Health


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Should You Do Cardio Before Weights Or After?

Photo credit: jweingardt12 / / CC BY

f you are trying to maximize lean muscle growth, should you do cardio before or after weights? This question is regularly asked in gyms around the world by folks trying to learn how to build muscle quickly and today we'll answer it with the latest scientific findings.
It is not uncommon to hear a different answer each time you ask somebody for advice in the gym. That's because a lot of the health and fitness industry is built upon opinion rather than fact. There are many areas which haven't yet been scientifically researched enough and, until recently, this was one of those areas.

Thankfully, several high profile studies have now been carried out and confirmed the answer to this common gym query.

The most common misconception in this particular area is that you'll pre-exhaust your muscles by hitting cardiovascular equipment before a heavy resistance workout. This couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, you'll greatly enhance your gains if you do your aerobic activity first, so the old theory that cardiovascular exercise should be done after you've finished with the weights is not true.

These recent findings lay to waste one of the oldest theories in fitness. It dates back so long that many people believe it to be fact and still insist on doing it to this very day. However, scientific studies prove that those who put their aerobic activity earlier in their workout enjoyed better fat loss and muscle growth.

This also applied to individuals performing high intensity interval training, too.

This happens because of the release of two enzymes in the body during physical exercise. They are known as AMPK and mTOR. AMPK is the body's call to action to help you adjust to aerobic activity.

The second enzyme, mTOR, is the key which turns on the muscle building process after a resistance training session. The bad news is that AMPK kills off mTOR, meaning if you stay in the gym after a training session and perform prolonged cardiovascular exercise you are significantly blunting your own muscle building process. Granted you can still achieve results, but they would be significantly superior if you did things the opposite way around.

The release of mTOR signals the beginning of the muscle building process in the body, meaning this golden window lasting around one hour is a fantastic time to consume quality nutrition to enhance your results further. This period lasts a total of 6 hours, so you ideally don't want to be performing aerobic activity during this time.

If you are one of the many people who like to perform two separate sessions in order to keep resistance training and aerobic workouts away from each other, that last piece of information will stand out as particularly groundbreaking. By separating your sessions with a six hour period you'll allow yourself to get the absolute full benefits from mTOR release before you blast fat with your HIIT session or aerobic workout.

While discovering how to build muscle can often be confusing and misleading due to the number of myths out there, science is helping every day to make things clearer. If you were previously unsure whether to do cardio before or after weights you now have the research to enhance your results.

By Russ Howe

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