How to increase muscle mass is a major concern for bodybuilders. Hardgainers aim at increasing muscle mass but tend to have a tough time eating more calories than they need for maintenance.Because their muscles take longer to recover, hardgainers are unable to increase muscle mass as easy as everyone else. This means they need to rest more in between workout sessions and workout for a shorter period of time. If your not genetically gifted to respond high volume training then you are a hardgainer.
Muscle mass is metabolically "active," meaning it burns calories simply to maintain itself. By learning how to increase your muscle mass, you've made it so that you must consume more calories each day just to maintain your bodyweight. Muscles don't grow during a workout. They grow between the workouts - if you allow them to rest, that is. Muscle building vitamin or mineral, you can't forget about this! It seems so basic and simple, but it's very important.
Muscle grows as a function of progressive tension overload, if you're not adding weight to the bar over time, you're not growing and increasing muscle mass. This doesn't mean that you have to add weight at every workout, but if you're not gradually going heavier over time, you won't be growing either.Weight training provides the spark for muscle increase while food provides the raw materials required for making bodybuilding gains. Weight training, with its awesome ability to produce size and strength gains, is the instant answer to a hardgainer's quest of how to increase muscle mass'or is it?
Eating more food is not something you should or would want to avoid if you're looking for ways of how to increase muscle mass and weight. Eat more natural unprocessed foods that don't come wrapped in a box. If it rots, it's good for you: Lean (protein with low amount of fat, aka chicken & turkey breasts, beef, eggs), green (vegetable, green beans, salads, apples) and Marine (fish). Eating just breakfast, lunch and dinner is not enough. You should mix in some smaller in between these main meals and drink a protein shake right before bedtime.
You can do it! Now imagine...
Imagine what it would feel like to be a more muscular, stronger, healthier version of you. Imagine looking in the mirror and
seeing a more sculpted, muscular body, Imagine having a physique
that turns heads and makes others jealous. It is possible but only if you are willing to go the distance.Go ahead and get started today and increase your muscle mass tomorrow.
by Healthwin
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